Our shop is currently closed to the public. For inquiries, please contact us here.

Under ‘services’, most Trophy suppliers talk about their ‘incredible augmented Xenetech CO2 high powered laser
machine that can cut through steel in lightening like speeds’. Although very impressive, we don’t think you
really care what machine is used to get the job done. So we’re going to take a different approach!
We have all the toys to take care of all your awards! Some of our main service categories are:
“But hands down, our greatest asset we strive to give is resourcefulness! If we can’t do it, and we usually can, we’ll work with you to
figure out who can. That’s our promise!”
Troy Daniels
Owner of Medal and Trophy

We pride ourselves on going above and beyond! So, short of 3D printing, a custom trophy of the moment a player won the championship (which, you know what? This is an incredible idea!! We’re going to look into it!), we will pretty much do anything to help you recognise or celebrate any occasion.
And for those of you that actually would like to know what specific toys we use, be careful, you might just get us excited!!
We are master machinists of:
Laser engraving (video to the right is the laser at work!)
Diamond-drag engraving
Sublimation—just to name a few!
We have a couple of other specialised tools that we use, but they are our trade secrets that separate us from everyone else! Shhhh, don’t tell anyone.